About The Author
Dr. Renée Horowitz, Ph.D.
Read The Author's Intriguing Story. Renée and her husband Arthur were each born to parents who were Registered Pharmacists (R. Ph.) like the heroine of Renée's exciting cozy mystery trilogy. Furthermore, husband (the late) Arthur was a Registered Pharmacist who worked in the industry as a career. This assures us that author Renée lived the pharmacy world all of her lifeand so our talented story teller Renée is 'writing what she knows.' We can be sure that Arthur was always by her side to answer technical pharmacy questions. It doesn't get more accurate and topical than that.
Not only that, but Renée earned her own Ph.D. and taught for years at Arizona State University until her recent retirement. Now she lives in gloriously sunny, warm Scottsdale, AZ and devotes her full time to writing cozy mysteries for your entertainment.
Update: Keeping Her Legacy Alive.
I must report with deep sadness that my dear friend and fellow author, Dr. Renée Horowitz, Ph.D. passed away on 11 February 2020. Clocktower Books will keep her books in print and her legacy alive. She had been in print with us for about twenty years before her passing. Please visit Renée's author pages at Amazon.com to browse her titles. Clocktower Books will also maintain author pages for Renée. More info soon. [John T. Cullen, Publisher]
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